Planting of 1,000 trees against bad air in Mělník

Over 1,000 trees and shrubs planted and 8 sensors monitoring the air condition. This is the record of the city of Mělník in the field of combating air pollution in the past 11 months. These measures were implemented within the framework of Norway Grants projects based on the data obtained from measurements that identified the level and sources of pollution in the city. Transport was found to be the biggest polluter followed by local heating plants.

Big planting project in Mělník completed!

We have received more than 10 million CZK out of the total distribution of 48.9 million CZK provided by the Norwegian funds. We are one of only five supported projects in the whole country! Our project aims not only to beautify the city, but especially in the longer term to make a positive contribution to the absorption of pollutants from the air.


City officials are aware that air quality defines the value of where they live. That's why they are making purposeful use of financial incentives with a focus on improving air quality.

Green gems of Mělník: Trees that bring the city streets to life

In preparation for the implementation of the project "Implementation of green measures to protect the air quality of the city of Mělník Phase 1", I walked through the streets and surroundings of Mělník and could not help but notice how much attention is paid to the care of greenery. It is evident that the conceptual development of urban greenery is the result of careful and professional work spanning decades.


Living in Melnik offers us many benefits associated with living in a fully equipped small town surrounded by beautiful nature. Aware that quality housing and complete amenities are not the only attributes our city provides, we also see green streets and ample green spaces for leisure activities as invaluable assets.

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