A mature tree has the ability to produce enough oxygen for ten people, this has a significant positive impact on the environment. Trees are a natural filter for pollutants as they absorb microscopic particles of air pollution, which has a long-term positive effect on air quality. Pollutants that trees trap include toxic ground-level ozone, fine particulate matter and other toxic substances such as sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide.


Trees and plants also contribute significantly to better air quality for human health by humidifying the air. In summer, vegetation naturally cools the environment more efficiently than air conditioners and, in addition, prevents the rapid radiation of heat at night, which is of great importance during the winter months. The presence of vegetation near buildings even reduces their heat loss by 20 to 50 percent.


Green spaces and parks are not only a place for sport and relaxation, but also have a positive effect on the health and psychological well-being of residents. Green features in the urban environment support biodiversity and provide habitat for small animals, which use them as shelter and food sources.

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