Planting with children

On 12 March, helpers from local primary schools joined in planting trees in a park in the Brabčov district.

Public event on 12 March 2024

In addition to the morning event, organized for two classes of local elementary schools, we extended an invitation to the public for afternoon planting. In a park in the Brabčov district, together with enthusiastic helpers, we set about planting more than 15 mostly fruit trees, which together with other newly planted ones form a growing orchard right in the park area. We expect the new trees to begin bearing fruit within 3 to 4 years. In total, we have planted 80 trees in the park as part of the project.

Final Conference - Invitation

Our project for large-scale planting of greenery in Mělník is a follow-up to the successful initiative entitled "The impact of transport on air pollution along the TEN-T Ústí nad Labem - Mělník - Zdiby route" (TENT AIR). This activity was aimed at monitoring air quality along the route of the Trans-European Transport Network Eastern and East Mediterranean Corridor. TENT AIR was also financed by the Norwegian Funds and the Czech Environmental Fund. As TENT AIR is coming to an end, we would like to invite all interested parties to the final conference, which will take place on 20 March 2024 from 10 am to 2 pm at the Masaryk Cultural House in Mělník. A press conference on the results of the project will also take place on 20.3.2024 from 2 to 3 pm there. Our Norwegian partners from Norsk Energi will physically attend the conference and present the Norwegian model from the data measured in the project, which shows the sources of air pollution in the measured locations.


We cordially invite you to a tree planting meeting as part of our project.

For clean air

It was a pleasure to spend the afternoon of the second and third of May with you in Mělník. Thanks to our previous research within the TENT AIR project, which aimed to investigate the cleanliness of the air in your city, we were aware of the problems associated with pollution caused by local heating plants.

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