The town of Mělník is currently implementing a range of green measures aimed at improving air quality, thanks to the generous financial support provided by the Norway Grants 2014-2021 and the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic.



The aim of our project is to improve the quality of life in our city.

The main goal of this project is to improve the quality of life in our city. We want to achieve this through an initiative that includes the planting of 1078 trees in 16 different locations throughout the city, including the city centre and its surroundings.


We are aware that the success of the project depends not only on the measures themselves, but also on regular communication with the public and the involvement of local schools.


We are therefore actively communicating with citizens to share key information about the importance of planting green spaces and the benefits this initiative brings to our city.


Involving local schools in the project helps to ensure that future generations are better informed about the importance of protecting the environment and its significance to humanity as a whole.



Amount of financial support: CZK 10 168 730,30

The project is directly related to the project „The impact of transport on air pollution within the TEN-T route Ústí nad Labem – Mělník – Zdiby“ abbreviated as TENT AIR aimed at carrying out air quality monitoring within the Trans-European Transport Network Eastern and Eastern Mediterranean Corridor route and creating action plans for the participating cities financed by the Norwegian funds.



The main strategic document on which the project is based is the AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME – Zone CZ02 – Central Bohemia, which was issued by the Ministry of the Environment.



The issue of air pollution has long been one of the priority topics of environmental protection in the Czech Republic.


Project expected start date: November 2023

Project completion date: 30.4.2024

The Norway Grants contribute to reducing economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area.

Norway Grants strengthen bilateral relations between Norway and the Czech Republic.

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